Israel Is Essential For Survival Of JewsBy Donald MoskowitzJuly 18, 2019
Adolph Hitler said he would agree to allow the Jews to leave Germany and emigrate to the 32 countries represented at the conference. Unfortunately, 31 countries refused to take in any of the Jewish refugees. Only the Dominican Republic agreed to allow in some Jews. All kinds of excuses were stated. Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King said "We must … seek to keep this part of the Continent free from unrest and from too great an intermixture of foreign strains of blood." The British, who controlled Palestine, refused to allow the Jews to emigrate because of the ongoing conflict between Arabs and Jews. The French said they could not help. The U.S. State Department, who had at least one Jew hater in a prominent position, blocked entry to the U.S. Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Honduras and Panama said they wanted no traders or intellectuals. Argentina said it had enough immigrants from Europe. Australia said it had no racial problems and did not want to create any. After the conference a number of countries relented and allowed relatively small numbers of Jews to enter their countries, including the U.S. during 1938 to 1940---120,000; Britain--- 100,000; Australia--- 15,000; and the Dominican Republic--- 800. However, from 1940 to 1945 approximately 6,000,000 Jews were murdered by Nazi Germany. Based on all of the persecution, discrimination, and violence against Jews down through millennia, including the events previously stated in this opinion piece, it became obviously essential to establish Israel as a homeland for Jews, and this occurred in 1948. Even in recent times the Jew hatred exhibited by many European countries has justified the need for Israel. The last survey conducted a few years ago lent substantiation to the ongoing Jew hatred in Europe. The survey conducted by the Anti-Defamation League concluded anti-Jewish extremism infects European populations, including Greece with 69% of the population anti-Jewish and with only 5000 Jews, and it has the worst economy in Europe, which shrank 25% since 2010. Many European countries, including France, Poland, Germany, Spain, Italy, Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria range from 20% to 45% in Jew hatred. Less biased at 4% to 9% are Protestant dominated Sweden, Netherlands, England, and Denmark. The Czech Republic at 13% was the only European country to support Israel with military equipment in its 1948 War of Independence. Europe's Jewish population is 0.2% and decreasing, but the Jew hatred persists even against this miniscule population. Since WWII European Jews were replaced with 50 million Muslims, and a high percentage hate Christians and Jews. The remaining Jews of Europe should emigrate to Israel. Jew hatred persists because Jews are typically successful, and jealous people want to take down successful people. Adolph Hitler, the biggest Jew Hater of all time, was an unsuccessful artist who could not compete with Jewish artists; and Hitler had significant sexual performance problems. The United States, where success is virtuous, is at 9% Jew hatred. The U.S. Jewish population is only 1.5% and decreasing, but the hatred persisits by a small segment of the U.S. population. Donald Moskowitz
Editor's Note:
Received July 11, 2019 - Published July 18, 2019 Related Viewpoint: Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:
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